Tighten Your Tinkler Blog
Have you just assumed that you are screened for prolapse at your OB appointments? Well, news flash - you're not!
There is NO standardized screening protocol for prolapse, which is a BIG gap in care for all women.
And on top of...
Groin and Inner Thigh Pain during or after pregnancy is directly related to pelvic floor health. Thankfully, there are simple, holistic steps you can take today to care for your pelvic floor. Choose your Holistic...
This intimate issue can be a big problem with sex after having kids. Not sure what we mean? Watch to find out, and to learn what to do about it. It can be fixed, and it's never too late! And don’t worry - we are keeping this...
Do you have Dormant Butt Syndrome?
You know, that flat booty nobody wants?
And did you know it's not just an aesthetic problem!
Here's how to bring back your perky, cute, round booty again!
First things first! Click the button below for instant access to your guide to: 1 correctly check yourself for a DR, and 2 learn how to close it.
You'll get: professional teaching videos PLUS printable cheat sheets...
It's time for a discussion on the "3 P's of Vaginal Birth." (data-based of course )
1 Pushing
2 Positioning
3 Prolapse
Having a baby is a huge event for you and your body. It's all too often treated like a "blip" in the story of a woman's...
Pee leaks are actually more complicated than anyone has probably ever explained to you. So we're here to fix that.
It's time to break down the 4 different types of incontinence, along with what you can do about it!
If you've dealt with pain or discomfort with (or after) sex, you know that it is a life-altering issue.
It drives a wedge in the most important relationship - the one between you and the person you've chosen to 'do life' with.
We want to...
WARNING: today we are talking about a sensitive subject..... poop problems
This is not an easy thing for women to talk about, but most women don’t realize that many of these issues are due to pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic organ...
Did you know - it's not normal to have to get up to pee during the night? Common...yes, but NOT normal!
This is often a problem that's crept up on you slowly - many women don't even realize how bad it was (or that there was anything...