Tighten Your Tinkler was created so women could heal – quickly and completely.
You like to get down to the root of a problem – not just slap on a bandaid and hope for the best. Wearing a pantyliner for the rest of your life? Hard pass.
^^ Which is a good attitude to have, because in our experience: that pantyliner becomes a pad (and then an adult diaper).

We're the Tinkler Ladies, Jenn Lormand (EP) and Christina Walsh (PT).
We helped hundreds of New Orleans women reduce and eliminate pelvic floor issues before taking our method online in 2019. The Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy published our research, proving our method for solving pelvic floor issues was effective – WITHOUT kegels or trendy (+ $$$) internal vaginal devices.
Author and exercise physiologist, Jenn has been living and thriving with Stage 2 prolapse for the last ten years. After a surgery meant to correct her diastasis recti led to a host of other problems, Jenn was desperate to avoid another intensive surgical procedure her doctors insisted she needed.
Together with Christina (Physical Therapist + manual integrative therapist), Jenn developed a revolutionary movement-based protocol that allowed her to reverse her pelvic floor symptoms and avoid surgery.
Since creating the online version of our program, we’ve helped thousands of women from around the globe put a stop to symptoms big and small. Are you next?
We don't believe in TMI.
A BIG thank you to the 40+ podcast hosts who've allowed us to share allll the dirty details. From birth stories to healthcare nightmares to evidence-based holistic practices, we aim to educate and inspire while sharing our message of hope + healing.

 Have a show of your own?Â
- Email Em at [email protected] to see if we'd be a good fit!
- Or click here to learn more about Jenn and Christina as podcast guests & speakers.

 Christina's Lagniappe
✔️ Mom of littles (at the stage where there's a marble run in the living room and stale mac n cheese on the counter)
✔️ Hates shopping – known for wearing "heirloom clothes" aka hand-me-downs from friends
✔️ Birmingham native who fully embraces New Orleans culture (she'll even buy makeup if it's for Mardi Gras!)

Jenn's Lagniappe
✔️ Seasoned mama with two boys in college + one at home
✔️ Lifelong New Orleans resident whose Catholic faith is at the heart of all she does
✔️ Has come to appreciate her ADHD brain and its innate need to fully understand something, even if it means going down a few (dozen) rabbit holes
Trendy influencers? That's not us.
A little long-winded, goofy-yet-sincere?
That's more our style.
We’ve gotten used to video(ish) since bringing TYT online in 2019, but we’ve accepted that we’ll never deliver a perfectly polished sound bite in a 30-60-90 second reel (TikTok? Whatever the cool cats are up to these days!).
We’re truth tellers, not trendsetters.
Curious about Jenn’s journey through a failed surgery, a devastating prolapse diagnosis + additional surgery referral, and her quest for a non-surgical solution? This one’s for you (~4 mins).
Wondering how Christina's whiplash injury led her away from her traditional Physical Therapy career and opened a whole new world of healing possibilities? Check this out (~4 mins.)
Wherever you are in your healing journey, we'd love to come alongside your next step.
Our done-at-home programs can help your pelvic floor make progress, fast –
and if you’re looking for some personalized support, we offer that too.

Meet the Tinkler TeamÂ
We're small but mighty!
After years of operating as a dynamic duo, our team expanded in 2021. Women's health nurse and mom of 4, Amy joined the team after healing her own prolapse through the Signature Program. Amy now supports other women on similar journeys from inside our Private Community.
Former first grade teacher and mom of 3, Emily is the least science-y one on the team – and that's a good thing, because she reminds us that not everyone loves to geek out over fascia! Emily helps more women find TYT through podcast publicity and social media.