The Signature Program is a digital resource; participants will need access to WIFI and should be comfortable navigating online platforms (logging in, clicking through modules, viewing video, etc). If you're uncomfortable using technology, an in-person option might be a better fit.
Additionally, the Signature Program is movement based and requires participants to move on and off the floor. If your mobility doesn't allow for this, the SP is likely not the right fit at this time.
Also, women with multiple presenting health issues and/or Stage 3-4 prolapse might not see the results they desire.
And lastly, what we have found in regards to our Signature Program is that based on the data collected since putting the Program online, the women over 60 who have joined the Program have often struggled to get the results that they are looking for from an online DIY Program. We have found that these women were able to benefit more from 1:1 customized support and were better candidates for in-person care instead.
Please reach out via email to [email protected] with more details regarding your condition and/or specific questions so we can better guide you.