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How to: Stop the Pain/Discomfort with Sex & Restore the Intimate Connection

prolapse sex


If you've dealt with pain or discomfort with (or after) sex, you know that it is a life-altering issue. 😥

It drives a wedge in the most important relationship - the one between you and the person you've chosen to 'do life' with.

We want to help. 👉 So today we're explaining the different types of pain / discomfort with (or after) sex, and teaching strategies to help you enjoy intimacy in your relationship again. 💕

There are at least 3 different types, and that means each one has its own different solution. 
And if this is you – if you find yourself avoiding sex or not wanting to ‘go there’ at all because of pain or discomfort - don’t miss the chance to grab your free Partner Guide.  We dug deep into our personal and professional experience to create this for you - to help guide you in re-connecting intimately with your partner again. 💝


(And you can find the cream for vaginal dryness that we talk about in the video here.)