Tighten Your Tinkler Blog
It's been an emotional time, and it only feels right to share that with you - openly, honestly, and vulnerably.
We've been reflecting on our transitions into motherhood and the challenges we've faced.
Know that if you struggle to ask for...
Meet Sally! Her story helps explain how all these issues happen over time. And you probably have more in common with her than you know...
This intimate issue can be a big problem with sex after having kids. Not sure what we mean? Watch to find out, and to learn what to do about it. It can be fixed, and it's never too late! And don’t worry - we are keeping this...
If you've dealt with pain or discomfort with (or after) sex, you know that it is a life-altering issue.
It drives a wedge in the most important relationship - the one between you and the person you've chosen to 'do life' with.
We want to...