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What Your OB Isn't Telling You - About Groin & Inner Thigh Pain

back & hip

*** Groin and Inner Thigh Pain during or after pregnancy is directly related to pelvic floor health.  Thankfully there are some simple, holistic steps you can start taking today to take care of your pelvic floor.  Just click the button below for your Holistic Pelvic Floor Care Cheat Sheet to start feeling the difference today! ***

Contrary to what most women assume, OB-GYN’s are not actually trained to evaluate many aches & pains that commonly come up for women both during and after pregnancy. 😳 (Thankfully however, they ARE well trained to get mother and baby safely through pregnancy and childbirth!)

Here’s the problem though. 👉 Women assume their OB will examine them correctly and thoroughly for many common aches and pains and recommend the treatments they need to fully heal and recover. But that’s often NOT what happens.

That’s the gap in our care that all women deserve to have filled. So let’s start! 🙌🏻 Over the next 3 weeks we’re highlighting 3 of the most common issues the women who work with us deal with – issues they’re NOT getting properly checked for or addressed anywhere else.

The first one is: pubic symphysis pain (say what?) This is just the ‘diagnosis’ for one type of pain or discomfort that is felt at the front of the pelvis/hip, groin, or inner thigh. The pubic joint is one of the joints that’s under a lot of pressure (and does a lot of spreading) to allow for baby to grow and be born. It’s the joint where the 2 sides of your pelvis connect together at the front.

The good news is - you can get your pubic joint ✅ checked and aligned by a Webster-certified chiropractor, then use our Signature Program to strengthen the muscles 💪🏻 that will hold it in alignment - so you can fix the issue at the root cause for good!  (Then you won't need the constant chiropractor visits to keep putting it back in place forever.)

The bad news is that this is not something that’s routinely checked at all. Many women end up trying to stretch the front of their hip (hip flexors) or their groin or inner thigh until they’re blue in the face thinking that will solve the problem, when in reality these hip opening stretches will just make this worse.

But don't worry, we're showing you how to check yourself for this 'lady-part problem' that we see all the time.

(And do make sure to watch the video, because if you have this issue there are some common stretches you need to STOP doing 🛑 until it's addressed!)