Tighten Your Tinkler Blog
What is perimenopause?
Like pelvic floor dysfunction, perimenopause has been getting more attention in recent years (and we’re here for that!). Nicknamed puberty 2.0 in this overview article by Oprah Daily, perimenopause describes the...
Liz leans over the counter to help her third grader with his math – and feels wetness in her underwear. She didn’t have to go, so where did that come from!?
Juliette is having drinks with a friend. She bursts out laughing, immediately...
"I just want to go out and spread the word like, "Hello, ladies! There's help for you!"
(00:05) I signed up because I was desperate. I've gone the physical therapist route here, a pelvic floor specialist, but I'd been there...
"I had never understood that after having my first child, it was almost like my back was being compressed. And then I had hip flexor tightness that was driving me bonkers. I would work out, I would do all these things to try and stretch, but ...
"It was awesome to find something that you guys had researched and known results for the problems that I was having of getting up in the middle of the night all the time to pee. But the biggest problem was literally about wetting my pants during...
"I'd been dealing with this problem for years - issues with my hip flexor pain and the pee issues that I was having. I was doing all of these things, and then it got to the point where I couldn't do anything without causing pain. And so then...
"Hi, my name is Jessica. I'm a childbirth educator and birth doula. As a woman who's given birth twice myself and had issues with diastasis recti and abdominal separation, chronic lower back pain. Also as a childbirth educator and birth doula, I...
"Hi, my name is Mary Anne, and I have pelvic organ prolapse. It means my vagina is falling out. I run to the bathroom too many times a day. And I have pelvic pressure, back pain pressure, and I'm very uncomfortable in a lot of settings.
"My name is Eliza. I have a daughter who is almost two. After I had my daughter, I was having some serious problems with my SI joint. It was giving me a lot of pain. I had been seeing a pelvic floor therapist for about six months, doing some...
If we could put a billboard up on the interstate it would probably include the message in today's show as a P.S.A. for all women to see!
The majority of the women who've worked with us have been guilty of doing at least one of these things.
Chances are, you probably fall into 1 of 2 categories when it comes to these sorts of issues.
1 You know something's wrong with your body, and you're searching for answers and help.
2 You have been diagnosed with prolapse and you're...