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Tighten Your Tinkler Blog

Perimenopause and Your Pelvic Floor: What Every Woman 35+ Needs to Know back & hip pee problems prolapse

What is perimenopause? 

Like pelvic floor dysfunction, perimenopause has been getting more attention in recent years (and we’re here for that!). Nicknamed puberty 2.0 in this overview article by Oprah Daily, perimenopause describes the...

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Liz's Story back & hip diastasis recti pee problems

"I had never understood that after having my first child, it was almost like my back was being compressed. And then I had hip flexor tightness that was driving me bonkers. I would work out, I would do all these things to try and stretch, but ...

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Miranda's Story back & hip pee problems

"I'd been dealing with this problem for years - issues with my hip flexor pain and the pee issues that I was having.  I was doing all of these things, and then it got to the point where I couldn't do anything without causing pain. And so then...

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Jessica's Story back & hip diastasis recti pee problems

"Hi, my name is Jessica. I'm a childbirth educator and birth doula. As a woman who's given birth twice myself and had issues with diastasis recti and abdominal separation, chronic lower back pain. Also as a childbirth educator and birth doula, I...

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Mary Ann's Story back & hip pee problems prolapse

"Hi, my name is Mary Anne, and I have pelvic organ prolapse. It means my vagina is falling out. I run to the bathroom too many times a day. And I have pelvic pressure, back pain pressure, and I'm very uncomfortable in a lot of settings.



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Lindsay's Story back & hip

"Hey, I'm Lindsay, and I'm a mom of three. Well, I was having pain in my hip. I was having pain the whole time that I was pregnant for my third child, and I figured, ok, that this is just typical pregnancy pain. You just deal with it. Of course,...

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Eliza's Story back & hip pee problems

"My name is Eliza. I have a daughter who is almost two. After I had my daughter, I was having some serious problems with my SI joint. It was giving me a lot of pain. I had been seeing a pelvic floor therapist for about six months, doing some...

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Doing These 3 Things is Making your Pelvic Floor Issues Worse back & hip exercise fixes pee problems poop problems prolapse

If we could put a billboard up on the interstate it would probably include the message in today's show as a P.S.A. for all women to see!

The majority of the women who've worked with us have been guilty of doing at least one of these things.


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Why does it feel harder than ever to "bounce back" after baby? back & hip c-section diastasis recti pee problems prolapse vaginal birth
👉 Do you feel like it's been way harder than you expected to get back to feeling normal or feeling like you again after having children?
If so, know you're not alone! Other mamas come to us daily feeling frustrated, embarrassed,...
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3 Self-checks: Test Your Posture & Core Strength back & hip


Learn our fool-proof way to know if your "up and in" muscles are working for you!

Today we will show you 3 self-checks so you can see and feel if your posture & core muscles are working!

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Tears & Fears: Learning to Ask for Help back & hip c-section diastasis recti pee problems poop problems prolapse sex vaginal birth


It's been an emotional time, and it only feels right to share that with you - openly, honestly, and vulnerably.

We've been reflecting on our transitions into motherhood and the challenges we've faced.

Know that if you struggle to ask for...

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Core Exercise Corrections - Top 3 Mistakes Women Make With Lunges back & hip exercise fixes


Lunges can be tricky!  So many of the women who work with us tell us how they “can’t” lunge anymore, mostly because of knee and hip discomfort.  They get really frustrated because they want to do them, since most...

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