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What Your OB Isn't Telling You - Are You Being Examined Properly?



🙋‍♀️ Have you just assumed that you are screened for prolapse at your OB appointments? 🤔 Well, news flash - you're not! 😮

🙅‍♀️ There is NO standardized screening protocol for prolapse, which is a BIG gap in care for all women.

And on top of that, even if you are being checked for it, you may have been examined incorrectly. 😟

Listen in 🎧 or read on, we can explain...

Ok ladies this one is going to possibly shock 😳 you a bit... We're continuing our series about the gap in the healthcare system that leaves many women dealing with pain, discomfort, and frustration when it comes to problems with our back, hips, & lady parts.

Today we want to discuss how you should be examined for pelvic organ prolapse if you are dealing with feelings of pressure or heaviness in your abdomen, vagina, or rectum. Most women - especially if you are going to your OB/GYN, are being examined INCORRECTLY. ❌

Are you ready? You should NOT be examined for this laying on your back. Think 🤔 for a minute about what happens when you lie down... do you still feel pressure in your abdomen or pelvic floor when you lie down?

👉 No! That’s because you are taking GRAVITY out of the equation, and your organs recede... making it hard to diagnose correctly that you do in fact have POP (pelvic organ prolapse).

So how should you be examined? As embarrassing as it was for me (Jenn - I have stage 2 POP), I was examined by my Urogynecologist standing up. He had to lay on the floor beneath me to see what the status of my pelvic regions was with gravity impacting it... 👉 which is how we do life - upright!

✅ The examination in this position and the measuring of each of the pelvic compartments is what allows the most thorough diagnosis.

✅ We strongly encourage you to be your own advocate 👊 & get a referral to a Urogynecologist, and make sure that they examine you standing so you know what you are dealing with.

Now for the good news, even though as a 38 year old I was recommended for pelvic suspension surgery, I DIDN’T have to have it because... 👉 that’s how our Signature Program was born 💥, and it’s 5 years later, and I’m still managing my symptoms with all of the techniques & exercises we teach in our Signature Program.

We aren’t finger pointing ☝️.  We just want to end this tremendous injustice that women are facing when dealing with these very personal & intimate issues.

💥 Information is power, so please 🙋‍♀️ share this with a girlfriend or family member who may need to know this.

💥 Together we can help get all women the care we all deserve. ❤️