Tighten Your Tinkler Blog
Did you know that doing kegels could actually be making things worse?
In this show we explain why kegels are NOT effective (gasp we know that's different than what you have been told), and why there is a better way to get the results you...
Meet Sally! Her story helps explain how all these issues happen over time. And you probably have more in common with her than you know...
This time we're getting into:
1 Frequent Urination (peeing more than 10 times a day)
2 Recurrent UTI's (3 or more per year), and
3 Hypertonic Pelvic Floors (over-tight, but hint: this does NOT mean strong!)
Yep, we're...
You may have been told these conditions don't hurt - let us go ahead and drop some serious truth bombs on this misunderstood topic!
We're simplifying the sometimes overwhelming and confusing terms surrounding Pelvic Organ Prolapse, and we're helping you connect the dots between what it is and how it feels.
Even if you don't like medical language, this is for YOU!
Have you just assumed that you are screened for prolapse at your OB appointments? Well, news flash - you're not!
There is NO standardized screening protocol for prolapse, which is a BIG gap in care for all women.
And on top of...
It's time for a discussion on the "3 P's of Vaginal Birth." (data-based of course )
1 Pushing
2 Positioning
3 Prolapse
Having a baby is a huge event for you and your body. It's all too often treated like a "blip" in the story of a woman's...
Pee leaks are actually more complicated than anyone has probably ever explained to you. So we're here to fix that.
It's time to break down the 4 different types of incontinence, along with what you can do about it!
If you've dealt with pain or discomfort with (or after) sex, you know that it is a life-altering issue.
It drives a wedge in the most important relationship - the one between you and the person you've chosen to 'do life' with.
We want to...
WARNING: today we are talking about a sensitive subject..... poop problems
This is not an easy thing for women to talk about, but most women don’t realize that many of these issues are due to pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic organ...
Did you know - it's not normal to have to get up to pee during the night? Common...yes, but NOT normal!
This is often a problem that's crept up on you slowly - many women don't even realize how bad it was (or that there was anything...