For the woman who knows something's not right with her body and is ready to get to the root cause:
Despite what you have heard ... Kegels are NOT the answer!
...and you don't need to insert anything into your 'nether-regions' either!
There are 3 Critical Steps every woman must take to Actually Get the Results You Deserve! Read on to see how you too can Take the Hassle & Stress Out of Getting Rid of These Issues for Good!
With Results Like These:
“It's allergy season and I sneeze 30x/day but don't worry about leaks at all anymore!"
"I took a 14 hour road trip and I wasn't the one asking for the bathroom!"
“I have reversed my prolapse 1 whole degree thanks to this Program!”
It's No Wonder Our Clients Are RAVING About Our Simple & Unique Approach to
strengthening their pelvic floor!
From: the Desk of Jenn and Christina, Exercise Physiologist and Physical Therapist
It can feel really overwhelming trying to figure out what to do about these personal and life-altering issues. Especially if you've already tried other things that didn't work, right?!
If you’re like most women we work with, you're not intimidated about investing some time and energy into addressing these issues, especially if it means being able to get to the Root Cause...
...but you ARE frustrated by trying to figure out what exactly you're supposed to do to actually fix this stuff!
Well, the reality is this:
Whether you've tried other things before or not...
Think about it! Your pelvic floor is NOT a Magical Unicorn, it works the same way that every other muscle group works. I mean... you don’t expect just squeezing and relaxing your bicep over and over again is going to make you stronger with lifting and carrying more weight, do you?
NO! Of course not! So then why would you ever assume that same approach would work for your pelvic floor?
So, if you’re using this:

Those Awkward and Uncomfortable Internal Devices That Don't Work! 😣
(Simply squeezing and relaxing your pelvic floor over and over again - with or without a device inserted - and expecting it to magically fix your issues) then...
I mean... has it worked so far? If you’re like most women who work with us, it’s very likely a “no.”
But this is all ok! Because when you’re leaving potential on the table, sometimes it’s as simple as kneeling and picking it up!
And you will start picking up your potential for life-changing results when you start doing the 3 critical steps that actually work to strengthen your pelvic floor and...
Ditch these Issues once and for all!
* Stops the gotta-go-now feeling!
* Lets you finally sleep through the night again - no more getting up to pee!
* Keeps you from constantly worrying about where the next bathroom is!
* Frees you from feeling like a burden because it's you (not the kids) that always has the potty problems!
* Stops a whole host of other issues you might not have realized are actually all connected! Read on to see if this is you!
And... it does all of this without you having to disrobe, insert anything into your nether-regions, or try to do another kegel ever again!
And when you look around at all the other moms you know...
They are ALL able to take for granted that they can just run and jump and play with their kids care-free, and show up in a way that is attractive to their spouse.
And you're left feeling stuck and broken because you have tried everything that you have been told to do, and it's not helping.
Many moms have tried to deal with this as an isolated issue. They do their kegels but are still not able to fix the bladder issues.
And when moms aren't feeling connected or in control of their body, they sometimes try to overcompensate.
And this leads to Mistake #2...
Women push harder in their workouts to try to force the 'change' that they want to feel and see. And here's why this doesn’t work.
Because... while you are pushing for one thing to get better, you are BREAKING DOWN somewhere else!
That’s like trying to fill a leaky bucket with more water!

Even your Trusted Doctor's Advice didn’t work!
Most moms recognize that a weak pelvic floor is the cause of their issues.
So they reach out for help the best place they know.. their doctor.
But the reality is, your doctor wasn't actually trained to deal with this.
Not to mention that the solutions they do offer, (like pills, surgeries, or other invasive therapies) only put a band-aid on the problem.
In fact, until you get to the ROOT CAUSE and address this head on, this problem is NEVER going to go away!
Most women don't realize that neglecting to fix this now can be a path directly to the adult diaper aisle in the drugstore!
After a combined 36 years of experience, working with women who are dealing with these issues what we do know is this:
You Aren’t Broken and it's NOT too Late...
You just need the right tools to fix this yourself, once and for all!
We get that you may be feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and just ready to hand this off for someone else to fix for you.
You just want someone to tell you exactly what to do - like 1, 2, 3.
Deep down you know that you DESERVE to just feel 'normal' again, but you are frustrated and exhausted trying to figure out how to do it yourself.
But continuing to look to others and “outsourcing” can be a roadblock in itself.
It is so important for YOU to LEARN and IMPLEMENT simple tweaks in how you have been doing things so that YOU can actually finally break this cycle yourself!
Because life is never going to slow down for you to have time to address this.
Heck! How much time does it take to go in for pelvic floor therapy?
What happens if a kid gets sick or you have a PTA or work meeting at the same time?
Or what about all of the energy you spend just having to mentally prepare yourself for being poked and internally manipulated down there?
Maybe you have already traveled that path and felt like it wasn't worth the time, energy, and embarrassment for the little results you felt, so now what? Feeling like it’s back to square one?
But when you LEARN what your root cause is and MASTER how to use these simple tools, you take that with you wherever you go!
Looking around there are so many mixed messages, you’re probably thinking...
"It's hard to have hope that I can fix this when even my doctor has told me that this is 'normal' or just what happens because I had kids."
"I just keep looking around at the gym, or the park and it doesn't feel like I see anyone else dealing with these issues!"
So then you tell yourself, "I guess this is just how it's going to be for me!"
Well... you’re right! Unfortunately millions of women have accepted this as their new normal.
But if you really believed that would you be here with us right now?
Chances are, intuitively you believe that there is a better way to solve this problem than what you have tried before, right?
You have reviewed other programs that got your attention, and you looked for important details to help you make your decision about what to do next.
Heck! You’re probably doing that right now too, ya?!
And you may be wondering, do I need to make sure I have a specific diagnosis to make a decision about whether something different (without kegels or inserting things) will work? NO!
The truth is the right approach will work to address the issues whether you have a diagnosis or not!
Hard-nosed FACTS about Pelvic Floor Problems
THERE IS A 25% FAILURE RATE IN PELVIC RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERIES WHICH CAN COST AN AVERAGE OF $6,233- $9,035 (National Library of Medicine, J. Alvarez, K. Cvach, P. Dwyer)
So based on those 4 facts what do you have to lose?
...if you have been dealing with this issue for a while, it's already costing you more than you think, and left unaddressed it will continue to cost you more!
And while the financial costs add up each year, the greater expense comes from the toll this stuff takes on your relationships with your spouse, your children and probably the most devastating reality....how you feel about yourself!
You are here because somewhere deep down you have a glimmer of hope that things could be different, right?
The reality is, you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying something different. This problem is already costing you more time, money, and energy than you probably realized. It's not too late to create the positive change that you have been longing for, and if you are like any of the women we have worked with you may find that you actually find the process to be easier than you thought!
So, now that you see just how vital it is that you address this problem now, you may begin to feel the slightly daunting and intimidating task of actually doing it...
'analysis paralysis?'
If you’re like most who have read this far, you’re starting to see the possibility of getting your life back and what it will do for you to get your self confidence back and just feel more 'normal' again....
but you’re probably still wondering if this is 'too good to be true' - imagining yourself and how it felt with the last thing that you tried to do to fix this... while you ask yourself,
“How the heck is this really going to work for me?!”
"What do I even say to my husband about spending more money on this?" "Will this be worth it?"
And "How do I make sure I’m actually doing it right without feeling overwhelmed?!"
This can be so daunting and intimidating that you avoid it and look for other ways to stay busy and distracted in your life. And we get it.
But here's a little 'Secret' for ya:
"whether you think you can,
or you think you can't ...you are right!"
Rich Devos
You see, there is a RECIPE to success. And this recipe begins with BELIEF that change is possible, and then backed up with a CHOICE to take consistent ACTION to create the change you want. And if you are missing one of these important ingredients... you will NEVER get the results that you are looking for.
So, it's the classic Compound Effect Formula:
"Consistent Small Changes + Time = Radical Difference" ~ Darren Hardy
HOW DOes this actually happen though?
ONE. Step. AT. A. TIME.
There is a specific ORDER to how you begin to take back control.. AND... that's how you get this solved the right way!
So, what if you had a set of step-by-step instructions for each step you need to take?
Imagine if you could follow those steps with paint-by-numbers precision and simplicity and have the confidence that they will work... EVEN if you’ve tried other things before!
No more overwhelm!
No more wondering if it will work!
No more wasting time or money!
Imagine for just a moment...
...that you had a step-by-step process for getting to the root cause of your issues...
...that you could create the change you have been longing for in as little as 10 minutes a day...
...And that you would be able to find RELIEF in just 30 days from RIGHT NOW!
And that once you learned this process you would have the tools you needed to actually solve this problem once and for all... And that you could finally get YOU back!
And wouldn't it feel incredible to know that once you learned this simple method you could count on it to continue working for you whenever you needed it for years to come?!
Wouldn’t that be nice?
Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer. Because... it’s here.
Introducing the...

The Simple Step-by-Step, video teaching-based system for Alleviating the embarrassing & painful issues - and reconnecting to the power of your body - to strengthen to the best you ever!...
or Your Money Back!
Here's What's Included:
✔ Detailed Assessment Videos and Printable PDF's That Guide You Through the Process of Finding Your Root Cause, and Learning the Essential Steps Needed to Alleviate the Discomforts first!
✔ Follow-Along Videos that Walk You Through How to Re-Connect With & Strengthen Your Deep Core and Pelvic Floor (all in your own home, & with no kegels or inserting things into your nether-regions required!)
✔ Get Our Complete Proven Processes for How to Modify Exercises for Wherever You Are In Your Journey - In Customizable Sections for Easy & Hassle Free Trouble- Shooting if You Ever Encounter a Set-back! That's what makes this work in real life, because even if you hit a roadblock you still have the tools you need to Feel Like a Million Bucks Again!
✔ Direct Access to Expert Support, and other women who understand what it feels like to go through all this both physically and emotionally, through Our Private Community!
Because You (and Your Future Self)
Deserve the Best!
It’s time to give yourself the results you have been wanting!
Just like all of these women:
"You ladies definitely deliver the results you promise!"

Mom of 3 and Health Coach
And Here is Stacy's transformation:

And then there is Lindsay, a mom of 3 and Pharmacist Who went ...

“Jenn and Christina are professional and sensitive to the issues that we are dealing with here. They provided a safety net, they made me comfortable. They made it feel easy to do and not embarrassing."
Mary Ann
Mom & Community Outreach Director
“This was life-changing,
I feel 100% better!”
“This was life-changing. This Program allowed me to get back to an exercise routine again... it allowed me to jump on a trampoline again - which is pretty cool! I feel 100% better - I can do all the things that I couldn't do since having my daughter. I can run, lift weights, and I have something that I can go back to if I start feeling my SI joint pain again that works.”
Mom & Business Development Manager
Proof of what's possible for YOU in just 30 days!
”I joined this Program because I didn't want to have surgery for prolapse, and I have not had surgery!”
Mary Ann
Each section of the Tighten Your Tinkler Signature Program is laid out in order to walk you through the three phases of our Method: Alleviate the Discomforts, Re-Connect to Your Pelvic Floor and Core, and Strengthen your Body FUNctionally to Get Back to the Things You Love!
You will follow videos and movements designed to take the thinking out of knowing how to solve this, allowing you to focus on the 'doing' to get rid of this for good! Plus, you’ll get access to our Private Community for answers to any questions that may come up along the way!

SEE what's waiting for you inside the program once you JOIN…
Detailed Video Trainings & Printable PDF's That Walk You Through the 3 Essential Steps to Finally Get YOU Back!

Module 1:
Let's Get Started:
These 7 videos help you Discover the Root Cause of your issues so you can Stop the Discomforts while Building Strength!

Every great recipe is made up of a list of ingredients... take a cake for example! Forget even one ingredient (like the sugar) and the cake is ruined! That’s how this process works too. Many of you have been leaving out a key ingredient in the process, and that's why things haven't worked.
Inside the Tighten your Tinkler Signature Program, You’ll get step-by-step trainings walking you through exactly how to Alleviate Your Discomforts, Re-connect to Your Deep Abs and Pelvic Floor, and Strengthen to the Best You Ever!
Imagine how much easier and fun it will be to get to the root cause of these issues once and for all when you can simply follow the step by step videos in each module of the program!
This is The 3 Step Method to: Alleviate, Re-Connect, & Strengthen FUNctionally, to Get Back to Feeling Like YOU Again!
Below is a Sneak-Peak of What's Inside the 'Let's Get Started' Module:

You’re not just getting the “recipe,” We're giving you everything you need to check yourself for what's been keeping you stuck, & exercises to actually strengthen your body properly - plus direct access to expert support in the Private Community!

Module 2:
The Feel Better Now Series
Understanding which tools to use to get rid of your issues!
Get inside our brains! Knowing that we’ve been helping women with all of these issues for as long as we have (36 years combined), imagine how much it will help to get inside our brains and learn exactly how we have taught our in-person clients for years! Our approach is totally unique and different! In this section...
We'll Reveal the Invisible Elements That Have Been Holding You Back from Results!

you'll discover...
Including: a simple feel-good technique to help your body heal, along with specific modifications to make sure you aren't over-doing it! - HOW TO ADDRESS SCAR TISSUE (from C-Section or other abdominal surgery)
Scar tissue is like an iceburg - most of it hides beneath the surface of the skin and wreaks havoc - causing tightness & limiting your connection with your abs. We show you how to stop this cycle! - PROPER SLEEP POSITION
This matters so much when you are dealing with back and hip tightness, or pressure issues. Learn how to get a better night's sleep! - HOW TO ALLEVIATE BACK & HIP DISCOMFORTS
Learn 2 different techniques that will help you decompress your back, your hips, and your lady parts - so you start feeling better fast!

Module 3:
How to Customize the Program for You - modifications for when 'life happens!'
"This is How You Tweak and Adjust to Stay On-Track, Even When 'Life Happens' to You!"
Imagine one day soon you're feeling ready to take on the world again, so you decide it's time to re-organize! You begin moving lots of heavy furniture around, and then the next morning it hits you... "I over did it and now I'm hurting again!"
We have done the same thing in the past too, and that's what this module is all about - learning how to get past any flare-ups that happen with simple tips & tricks, and specific modifications for your exercise routine!

Inside This Module we walk you through...
- Easy-to-follow 1 page 'cheat sheets' - quickly know how to deal with any setbacks that pop up.
- Exact steps to stop discomforts as they happen, so you can get back to the things you love faster!
- Plus! Pictures of each exercise modification that you can use instantly!

Module 4:
Your Healing Exercises!
The last thing you need is to have the “World’s Greatest Program” sitting on your computer or phone collecting dust. Until it gets opened and you actually implement the steps, it won’t ever do anything to help you get rid of these embarrassing issues!
That’s Why We Created These Simple, Step-by-Step Teaching Videos!
They Make it Easy and Take the Guesswork Out of Worrying if You are 'Doing It Right!'
If you can push play and follow directions, you can get the same results you are seeing and hearing about from the other women right here on this page!

“This sounds Great!
...But What IF I Don’t even Have a Diagnosis to know exactly what's wrong?!”
This is about the time where you might be saying, “Ya, but I don’t even have a diagnosis. Shouldn’t I focus on that first?" NO.
Here's Why Worrying About Your Diagnosis BEFORE You Join the Program is BACKWARDS!
Most women waste months trying to get into their OB/GYN's office to then get a referral to a Urogynecologist. Then they are either given pills to put a band-aid fix on urgency and frequency issues or they are offered invasive therapies and treatments that again just put a band-aid on these issues with temporary relief at best.
In their head to 'justify' investing in something that will actually help solve the problem (this Program!), they create the “perfect” checklist of other things to try before finally feeling ready to invest in themselves. Sound familiar?
...but by the time you add up the co-pays on specialists (who are often out of network), costs of prescriptions, and co-pays on therapy - you end up paying the same amount if not more, and you still have ONLY a Band-aid Fix to these issues?!
(that’s a lot of time and energy that I wouldn’t risk wasting, would you?)
When you believe that you can get to the Root Cause and then make a choice to take consistent action towards that ...
... you can actually get the results you deserve WAY faster than the alternative route above!
In our personal experience, and in the stories we have heard from many other women, going the Western medicine route for these issues becomes an uphill battle that ultimately leads to a cycle of massive frustration - finding a Doctor who will actually listen to what you are dealing with, understand how it's affecting your life, and then refer you to something that doesn't involve kegels, sticking something in your hoo-ha, or having surgery is an impossible fantasy!
"Wait, are you saying this Program doesn't just help me get rid of these issues, but will also support me emotionally along the way too?!"
Yes. That's EXACTLY what we're saying. 💖
And Check out These Transformations!
"It’s Like One of Those Extreme Makeover Shows on TV!"
"I've been on the Program 22 days, my results have been grand..."
— Jackie
Mom of 3 & Dental Hygienist

"This is the first Program that I have tried that has really lasted, and it's SO EASY to maintain!"
“I had been dealing with these issues for years - the hip flexor pain and the pee issues. I saw a pelvic floor therapist and worked with another PT, and I tried all kinds of at-home programs online, like pelvic floor programs, stuff for your glutes, and stuff for your core, but nothing helped.
I was drawn to this Program because it's different, and my results have been tremendous. This is the 1st thing that has really lasted, and it's so easy to maintain!"
— Miranda, Mom of 4 & Hair Stylist

See Why Our Clients Said, "I can't believe i ever hesitated to join!"
The steps you'll learn inside our Signature Program are the very same ones that are proven to work! Yep, it's the same protocol published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy. So you're getting your hands on cutting edge help for these issues that no one else is even teaching yet! And here’s the best part, you don’t have to pay thousands to come learn it from us in person!
When You Enroll in our Signature Program, You’re Getting a Cutting Edge, Proven Protocol & the Full Force of our 36+ Years of Combined Experience - Right in Your Own Home!
Today, American women dealing with incontinence issues spend an average of $900 per year just for the routine costs of managing the issue! That's not to solve the issue.
And then when things get even worse the next step is pelvic reconstructive surgery that costs THOUSANDS! And that comes with a 25% failure rate!
And whether you are currently dealing with "just a little bit of leakage" or you are like most of our students whose issues are impacting the way they show up for themselves and for their family, then chances are, you can already picture what getting rid of these issues will do for you, right?
And let’s not just look at your next month...
...but at every month and year moving forward... and for everything else you have planned for your future! Because...
You get to Take Everything You Learn Here in the Program With You Forever!
And look, the mistake most women make when it comes to these issues is they think if they just wait long enough or do enough kegels because "that's what everyone else said to do" that their issues will magically go away for them. But let me ask you…
Do you think there would be an entire aisle at the drugstore for adult incontinence products if "waiting it out" or "just doing more kegels" were really going to fix this?
Sure, you can test it out. But after you spend the $900 a year for your average annual costs of just managing these issues and then God forbid end up going through a major surgery for thousands more (plus a 25% failure rate), wouldn’t it be safer and smarter to simply learn how to fix it yourself - in your own home and at a fraction of the cost?
So that leads us to how much the investment is to get your hands on this Program…
Over our many years of practice, we've seen so many women struggle and suffer, trying one treatment after another only to be put through more unnecessary pain and embarrassment, and then walk away disappointed again, no closer to living the life they want and deserve again.
If you take that path you'll be stuck too. But we really don't want that for you! Because we know it IS possible to change your story and get YOU back!
And that's why we're offering you what's already worked for hundreds of other women... without the big price tag!
The TYT Signature Program is valued at $1797, which would be a steal for the results you will get. Why? Because if you consider the financial and emotional costs of the other options, you'd still come out way ahead!
But you can join the Signature Program for a total investment of $597 today, which includes lifetime access to the entire Program, plus lifetime access to personalized support for your healing journey ahead!
Plus, you can rest easy knowing we’ve taken out ALL the risk from investing!

* $1,797+ Value!
* Includes Lifetime Access to the Program + Support
* Most HSA/FSA accepted

“In Hindsight, I find it funny that I was struggling to decide to join when the other options that I was being offered by my doctors were going to exceed the cost of this program by multiples of 10!
If it's the money or the inconvenience that you're contemplating, it's actually quite silly because it's very easy to incorporate into your day, and the results have been astounding!
I'm no longer running out of client meetings or not wanting to travel because I have to stop every hour to go to the bathroom. It's been life-changing!"
Jenn B.
Mom of 2, Engineer
That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!
The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know that strengthening your pelvic floor & core the right way will help get rid of the embarrassing issues that brought you here, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. I get it. Like…
"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”
Well… that’s simple. Try it.

Guarantee #1:
Test-Drive The Program for 30 Days
When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason… and I mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into finally stopping the embarrassing issues from messing with your life, simply email us at [email protected] and we’ll gladly refund your investment* no questions asked!
*less the cost of the exercise tool

Guarantee #2:
365 Days to GET RESULTS!
After you pass your initial 30 days of being blown away by what’s been really missing for your pelvic floor & core strength, we'll give you an additional 11 months to put the training into action. If you do not see any positive results from this Program, simply show us that you’ve done the work, and if it ain’t working... we’ll refund your investment!*
*less the cost of the exercise tool
Why would we do this? Because you shouldn’t have to pay for something that doesn’t work! And we're so convinced of how effective this is, we're willing to put our money where our mouth is. That’s how much we believe in this Program.
And Because “Gift-Giving” is a powerful LOVE Language, We've Got More For YA:
When You Enroll You’ll Get
Designed to Simplify & Speed Up Your Results!
Gain Access to the Program on-the-go with our App!

Now you don't have to worry about bringing anything with you when you are at the gym or traveling because all you need is your phone to access the Program on-the-go! Listen to a pep talk, open a PDF, or watch the videos right from your phone quickly through the Kajabi app for iPhone or Android.
No more worrying about remembering your password or where you left off in the program - the app will track all of that for you!
Plus: Get ALL of the Updates in the Program Free Forever!
Anytime we add updates to the Program you get those too for no extra fees or fuss! And after your first 30 days are done, you will gain access to the 'At Your Fingertips' Module, which puts your new daily warm up and your daily stretches right at the top when you open the app for easy access!
"The App makes it so easy to fit this into my life!"
"I love getting ready for the day and being able to quickly access my exercises from the app! It literally takes all of the thinking and guesswork out of fitting this new routine into my day!"
Mom & Accounting Analyst
VALUE: ⬆ confidence!
Improving Your Intimate Relationship with Your Partner!
"Sex became more enjoyable - very much so. because now your inside is also tightened up and fit, which was a piece I was missing before!"
— Lanay, Mom of 2 & Realtor

These are BONUS results that Women have come to us SO excited about, saying "I didn't know that this was going to get better too!"
Plus: When you join the Program, you will also get a Bonus resource we created called our Improving Intimacy Guide. This is a guide to help you begin a healing process with your spouse or partner, by explaining in a meaningful way what you have been dealing with. We literally walk you through the process and give you language to use to help guide this vulnerable conversation, to help restore your intimate connection with the person you love the most!
- Get rid of the stress of worrying about discomfort or pain with intimacy!
- Increase your pleasure with the improved functional strength in your pelvic floor!
- Restore your intimate relationship and connection with your spouse!

Most women join the Program to find relief from embarrassing and painful issues they don't want to "just live with" forever, but then they're elated by the other 'Side Effects' from doing the Program including:
As total Science nerds interested in improving the function of the body, we sometimes forget to mention that not only will this help you get rid of the pee leaks, stop the back and hip issues, close your DR, and stop prolapse - but it will also help you look better too! 😉💃

When you join the Tighten Your Tinkler Signature Program, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to finally ditch the embarrssing and painful issues "they" said you just had to live with - once and for all! Including...

- The 5 Essential Video Modules to help you alleviate the discomforts & re-connect and strengthen your pelvic floor and core FUNctionally!
- The exercise tool you'll need mailed to your door - included!
- PDF's for Techniques & Exercises so that you have what you need at your finger tips!
- Access to a Private Community! That's right, you get access to a safe place to get your questions answered and share your journey with women who truly understand.
- Bonus - The App for easy on-the-go access to the Program!
And much, much more!
This makes everything you get well over $1700 in value!

* $1,797+ Value!
* Includes Lifetime Access to the Program + Support
* Most HSA/FSA accepted

“It just works! I can't thank you enough!"
"Just the confidence to sneeze is amazing! And the hip flexor issues have been gone too. I just love the fact that I have this little routine that I can count on to work!
Mom of 3

"I love the improvements in my life!”
“No bathroom visits in the night! No pee leaks anymore! It is never too late to improve. Thank you for what you do!"
Mom of 2
Now the Only thing left to do is make a Choice! Are you Ready to make a change?
It’s right about this point on the page where women who are struggling with analysis paralysis get that little... awkward feeling in their gut!
Maybe this is what you’ve done in the past. You come and check something out, read everything about it, and then feel like your stomach is in knots trying to make a choice about whether or not your should join!
We completely get it... and we certainly don’t want to come off as pushy.
Maybe it's best to wait - if you've seen all this and still aren't sure that we can help you. Don't get us wrong, we would love to have you join us, but we have learned that if someone gets luke-warm results it is often because they were pretty much luke-warm about joining! Meaning they weren't completely convinced that change was really possible for them, and that's something that we can't help you overcome. And it can stifle your progress.
As you've probably read on this page several times, BELIEF that healing can happen for YOU is truly the first step in the whole Process!
We are NOT about being pushy or aggressive or coercing people into working with us.
So here is where we ask that you make the decision that you are at peace with! If you're ready to commit and take action for this change, then we can't wait to welcome you! But if not, maybe it's best to wait to join.
We Ask This Because We Care Deeply About One Thing:
Think about it! Every great change or transformation you’ve experienced ALWAYS began with a DECISION. The same thing applies here!
How valuable is it when you can simply lay out the options for yourself and then give yourself the time, space, and the opportunity to CHOOSE? It's completely up to you if you choose to solve this problem this way or not.
If you have already found something that's working for you, then that's great - Stick with that, you don’t need this Program... you need to be celebrating!
But, if you currently aren't happy with what you have tried, or feel like what you are doing isn’t working the way you'd like, then your options are simple:
You can choose to do nothing... and then of course nothing changes. Then over time the problem just gets worse.
OR you can choose to take action and do something about it.
You can choose to avoid the problem all together and hope that it will magically go away (it won’t).
OR you can get 100% committed to doing something about it! Opening your mind to the possibility that this could work for you too, just like it's worked for so many other women already!
If you choose the latter, then now is your time to get signed up and get started!
Otherwise, you can just click right off this page!
But CHOOSE Quickly!
Because if you put this off, what will change? Don’t wait! You can get started today!
Join Now & Ditch These Issues Once and For All!

* $1,797+ Value!
* Includes Lifetime Access to the Program + Support
* Most HSA/FSA accepted

"It's 10 minutes a day and my lower back pain is gone...
And my belly is flat again. I just FEEL BETTER! (And I don't have to worry when I sneeze anymore either!)
Mom & Paralegal
In CASE There's Anything we Missed, Here are SoME Commonly Asked Questions!
What makes the women who have used this Program, and the testimonials I have seen, so successful?
If I’m just getting started on trying to address these issues and haven't tried anything else yet, is this Program good for me?
I've already tried pelvic floor therapy, will this Program still help me?
I’m not the most coordinated, will this Program still be a good fit for me?
How much time will it take to complete this Program?
I struggle with staying consistent, will this be too much work for me?
Is there any support available if I have questions or get stuck?
What is the guarantee/refund policy for the Tighten Your Tinkler Signature Program?
What can I expect when I join the Tighten Your Tinkler Signature Program?
If I don’t like the Program, can I get a refund?
I DO have a diagnosis (prolapse, cystocele, rectocele), is this Program still a good fit for me?
How long do I have to access this Program?
I'm currently pregnant - is now a good time to join the Signature Program?

* $1,797+ Value!
* Includes Lifetime Access to the Program + Support
* Most HSA/FSA accepted

This site is for informational and educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should consult with a physician or other health care professional. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations.