Lindsay's Story
"Hey, I'm Lindsay, and I'm a mom of three. Well, I was having pain in my hip. I was having pain the whole time that I was pregnant for my third child, and I figured, ok, that this is just typical pregnancy pain. You just deal with it. Of course, after she was born, the pain was still there. I didn't really know what it was. I didn't know what direction to go into. The last thing I really want to do is go through a series of Doctors.
(00:34) Jenn introduced me to the Pelvicore, and I have been doing it ever since. Not only did it help with my pain, but my other goal was to get back to my regular routine. I wanted to be fit again. I wasn't able to lose the baby weight. I was just stuck in this funk, with pain, and I couldn't jog anymore. I didn't know how to do weight-bearing exercises anymore without that pain kicking in.
(01:10) So with the two of them (Jenn & Christina), I am finally able to get back to where I was before. I'm now doing exercises with Jenn that I think may be even more difficult than what I was doing before I was pregnant. So I am very pleased. This Pelvicore routine has been a part of my daily life now, and now I know when the pain starts kicking in, I can go to that and start doing it more routinely, and it goes away.
(01:50) When I first started the program, we started off very slow so that we could master each series of movements. At first, I was thinking, gee, I'm now an 80-year-old woman, and this is what it's resorted to. But as we advanced, I realized these subtle movements are so critical to being able to do the bigger movements that I need to do to get back into shape.
(02:19) This has started a foundation for me to be able to move forward and bring all of these movements into bigger movements so that I can get my energy back, so I can get my strength back. My baby is 10 months old, and I finally feel like I have the strength back that I've been longing for, and I'm continuing. I'm going to get stronger. I'm going to keep going. And my pain, the only time it ever talks to me is when I take a little break from doing my program and I say, ok, Lindsay, let's get back on track. I start doing my Pelvicore, and that's what it is. That's what fixes it.
(03:06) This has impacted my life in more ways than one, because for one, there's the pain that's nagging and talking to me every day. I have three other kids. I don't need my hip talking to me. But also it's that emotional aspect of it, that I feel like, is this it? Is this how it's going to be forever? Am I just going to have this nagging pain that's going to impede me from doing the things that I like to do or even just keeping up with my kids?
(03:44) I can do things without pain. I can lay in my bed and go to sleep at night without my hip waking me up. Jenn and Christina are both completely heart people. They're not in it for themselves. They are truly in it for other people.
(04:10) It should be a standard process. After you have a baby, you go see Jenn and Christina. That's it. So if you're watching this and you're not sure if this is something right for you, it is, because this is something that everybody needs to do.
(04:25) After pregnancy, our bodies go through so much, and I feel like even if my hip was not hurting in that last pregnancy, this is something I should have been doing for all my other pregnancies, too, because we go through so much stretching, so much stress, that we have to build that foundation back. And that's what I've done. I've built my foundation back. And within three months, I went from small baby steps to get back on track to doing full TRX, legs dangling from the TRX ropes and doing pikes with my abs. I am doing hard exercise that I feel like from that first day, I would not have seen myself doing what I'm doing, and I'm just going to keep going."