Core Exercise Corrections - Top 3 Mistakes Women Make with Squats
Quick test for yourself 👉 Face sideways in front of a mirror & squat, checking out your mid & low back & knees. Now turn & do it facing forward, 👉 and look at your knees again.
Do you see yourself in any of the incorrect squat positions we go over and demonstrate in the video?
If you do, no need to stress. 💯% of the women who work with us must re- learn how to squat.
You may be wondering why you are leading with your knees, or why you are arching your back. Those are accommodations that your body is having to make due to weak foundational muscles (or deep core muscles), specifically your glutes & deep abdominals.
If those muscles aren’t ‘turning on’ or activating, then it’s really hard to do squats correctly.
Here’s the breakdown 👇🏻
1) Forward knees - probably from tight hip flexors, which mean weak glutes & hip rotators. You may feel that your low back & knees feel tight or uncomfortable every time you try sitting (especially on the floor with kiddos) 💥 To get your hip flexors to turn off, try our 90/90 Decompression position. You will also get a nice decompression in your low back, along with the deep relaxation of getting out of 'fight or flight' mode. Then as your hip flexors begin letting go, you will gain range of motion & will be able to more easily initiate the squat movement from your hips.
2) Knees Collapsing in - this is more than likely due to weak hip rotators & glutes. This is something that you can correct easily in our Signature Program. ✅ And a quick fix for added stability is to make sure that you are pressing through your heel & big toe to help activate deep abdominals & pelvic floor.
3) Twerky booty - this is usually happening in combination with one of the above, due to weak deep abdominals. As crazy as it sounds 🤯, after just 1-2 x's doing the exercises in our Signature Program, women easily correct this thanks to being able to turn on their deep abdominals for support. ✅ You can try using a broom stick along your spine for feedback as you push your hips back & squat.
Ask us your questions about your specific case in a DM on FB or Instagram, or through an email to: [email protected].